Multiple layers are present in data source /home/olive/Boulot/fragile/data/gps/GPKG TOUT CORRIGES/points_edenefragile.gpkg, reading layer `points_edenefragile'.
Use `st_layers' to list all layer names and their type in a data source.
Set the `layer' argument in `st_read' to read a particular layer.
Reading layer `points_edenefragile' from data source
`/home/olive/Boulot/fragile/data/gps/GPKG TOUT CORRIGES/points_edenefragile.gpkg'
using driver `GPKG'
Simple feature collection with 773 features and 6 fields (with 1 geometry empty)
Geometry type: POINT
Dimension: XY
Bounding box: xmin: 319618.4 ymin: 7634967 xmax: 375686.9 ymax: 7687998
Projected CRS: RGR92 / UTM zone 40S